The “continuity of education” plan for Indiana Area School District students is scheduled for implementation on Thursday. School district officials are putting the finishing touches on the plan now and teachers will use today, tomorrow, and Wednesday to communicate their expectations to students, using email, telephone, or social platforms such as Remind or the Google Hangouts Meet app.
Most assignments will be asynchronous, meaning students can gather the materials and work at them at their own pace.
Marion Center will use the “i-Ready” program for grades K through 8; educational packets for grades 9 through 11 can be picked up at the high school starting today or downloaded. For seniors, Marion Center has put together a virtual classroom to conclude the final nine weeks and graduate as planned on June 2nd. Classes will start on Wednesday.
Homer Center has implemented “School from home” starting this week, with classes detailed online for elementary students and ongoing work on educational options for higher grades.
Penns Manor will use voluntary “Enrichment and Review” activities for its students starting on Wednesday. Teachers will make materials available online and those with no internet can pick up paper copies at their school.
At Purchase Line, bi-weekly paperwork packets for students to complete at home will be available starting tomorrow. At the high school, the packets will be delivered to vehicles at the main entrance without the parent getting out of the vehicle. At the elementary school, the packets will at the main entrance, with parents asked to pick up their student’s materials using social distancing. There are specific times for pickup based on last name, which you can read about at the district’s website.
At Blairsville-Saltsburg, mandatory instruction will begin on Wednesday. Education packets will be mailed today, and the instruction is intended to fulfill the fourth nine-week grading period. A dropbox will be available for the completion of assignments at each of the schools.
United School District will begin “Enrichment and Review” for students today. The district says building principals will be mailing letters to each home with further details.