For the first time, the IUP Council of Trustees met virtually to round out the academic year.
During his report, IUP President Michael Driscoll complemented the IUP Community on their resilience during the coronavirus pandemic, including getting things ready for virtual classes in a week, and moving students out of IUP housing. He also talked about some of the financial events that happened, including refunds to students.
Driscoll talked about how much money was refunded to IUP students.
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A total of $500,000 in student activity fees was refunded by the Student Co-Op.
During the meeting, the council approved putting eight programs on moratorium status, which had been approved by the university senate. They include bachelor programs for english/pre-law track, Certificate of ESL Program specialist add on, Biology/Environmental Health track, minor in psychological science, chemistry/interdisciplanary chemistry track, and Masters programs for Mathematics Education, Health and Physical Education and the Master of the Arts-History program.
The council also approved naming the rotunda in the new Kopchick Hall the Anderson Rotunda in memory of James and Donna Harbison and naming a study in the same hall the Admiral’s study in honor of CJ Haynes.