During their meeting on Thursday, the Center Township Supervisors announced they will collaborate with Homer City Borough to fund a food bank distribution program.
Supervisors met with representatives of Indiana County and ICCAP on June 23rd to discuss what could be done with money the township has received from CDBG-Covid funds. The township will combine their $58,600 with what Homer City received to operate a food bank for low and middle income individuals and families. Supervisors Chairman Dave “Butch” Smyers said that discussion on the money distribution started eight months ago.
While the food bank event is in the early planning phases, the supervisors are looking at distributing the food at the Coral-Graceton, Altman and Homer City fire halls, and will be in talks to hold a fourth distribution site at Our Lady of the Assumption Parish in Lucernemines. The tentative date for distribution is October 9th.
The supervisors also opened bids for on-road diesel fuel. Supervisors tabled accepting the bids until the August meeting so that the bids can be properly examined.