Both the Indiana School Board and some members of the public discussed the recent mask mandates from the PA Department of Health at Monday night’s school board meeting.
Before public comment started, Board President Walter Schroth said that like the rest of the districts in Pennsylvania, they had no choice but to follow the mandate, but Schroth expressed his appreciation for how the public has handled itself during this time.
Different parts of the mask mandate were discussed, including having mask breaks outside of lunch. Superintendent Michael Vuckovich said that he felt the comments from the public were very good.
In other business, the board approved an agreement with UGI Energy Services for natural gas from September of 2022 to August of 2025, and the board also authorized the administration to work with PFM Financial Advisors, Dinsmore & Shohl LLP and the district’s solicitor for the purpose of refunding all or a part of the district’s 2016 bonds. They expect a savings close to $500,000 through this process.