Dear Families,
As we are preparing for the 2022-2023 school year, the Board of Directors has decided to make some significant changes to our remote synchronous learning options in the District as more families are returning to in-person learning. This decision is based on multiple factors including, but not limited to, a continued decline in positive COVID-19 cases.
Starting in the 22-23 school year, synchronous learning (IDEAL+) will not be available for incoming kindergarten students as well as those students who will be in 1st grade for the 22-23 school year. For grades 6-12, we will no longer offer synchronous learning, as we had only 4 students who were enrolled in 100% synchronous learning. We are currently reviewing the rest of our numbers as they relate to grades 2-5 synchronous learning and will inform families accordingly if any changes are made. Traditional (asynchronous) IDEAL will still be provided to all students when that mode of instruction is deemed appropriate.
I recognize how difficult it has been for many of our families over the past two to three years and thank you for all of your patience, grace, and compassion displayed thus far. Indiana is an amazing place and that is because of the great staff, students, and families that comprise our great community.
All the best,
Mr. Michael J. Vuckovich
Superintendent of Schools