Thanks to some state grant money, the Evergreen After School Club will continue this school year and add more districts to the program.
ARIN Intermediate Unit 28 announced that the program will resume in Homer-Center, United and Penns Manor School Districts this year. And starting this year, the program will be offered by Indiana Area and Leechburg School Districts. The resumption of services comes as the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant has provided the funding to start the program back up.
The club stopped operations at the end of last year due to that same grant source coming to an end on December 31st. While the group was able to reapply for funds, there was a 10-month gap between when funding stopped and funding would start coming in. Homer-Center School District was the only district that did not shut down its Evergreen After-School program and that was due to a generous contribution for the program in the district.
Programming is expected to begin in October. It will be open to all students. More information can be found at Information on how to register children will be sent home by each of the participating school districts.