Recent legislation could provide an opportunity for junior firefighters to boost their journey to becoming full firefighters.
Act 155 of 2022 would allow junior firefighters to train on live-burn, interior firefighter models, rather than having them wait until they turn 18. The legislation was sponsored by State Senator Pat Stefano and passed legislature unanimously before being signed into law by Governor Tom Wolf.
Senator Carolyn Commita, who serves the 19th District and is also on the Senate Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee, said she hopes this law bolsters interest and gets young people interested in joining the fire service. She also hopes it empowers junior firefighters to “hit the ground running” once they turn 18.
To participate in live burns, junior firefighters would need permission from their parent or legal guardian, as well as from their local fire chief. The training would also be completed under the instruction of a credentialed Pennsylvania State Fire Academy instructor.