Two school boards are scheduled to meet tonight.
The Indiana Area School District board of directors will hold its second meeting of January tonight, and on the proposed agenda are a few motions connected with the Eisenhower Elementary expansion and restoration project. The three recommendations from the Buildings, Grounds and Transportation Committee are to not move mechanical equipment in the building’s envelope but to instead construct small mechanical rooms on the roof to house the mechanical equipment; use a storefront window-based design including prefabricated panels; and eliminating Geothermal options for the HVAC system.
The board is also expected to approve the resignation of Horace Mann principal Kevin Edmonson due to other employment and authorize the administration to post and advertise for the position. Indiana’s board meeting will start at 7:00 at the district board room.
The Marion Center School District board of directors is also scheduled to meet tonight. On the draft agenda for Marion Center tonight is the purchase of a new tractor and high capacity mower deck at a cost not to exceed $8375.31, and a change to the school calendar to use March 17th and May 5th as make-up days for two snow days in the district.
Marion Center’s meeting will start at 7:30, and will be held in the High School Library.