IUP and Punxsutawney Area Hospital have signed an agreement that will help train students in the proposed College of Osteopathic Medicine.
(Seated L to R: PAH Chief Medical Officer Dr. Clark Simpson, IUP president Dr. Michael Drsicoll, PAH President Jack Sisk and Proposed College of Osteopathic Medicne Founding Dean Dr. Miko Rose. Standing L to R: Jonathan Longwill with Senator Joe Pittman’s office, IUP Council of trustee members Joyce Fairman, Chairman Sam Smith, Laurie Kuzneski and David Osikowicz. Photo by Josh Widdowson)
This marks the first clinical training affiliation agreement between IUP and a hospital or medical center for residents. IUP President Dr. Michael Driscoll said that the reason he went with Punxsutawney Area Hospital is because the IUP and Punxsy have a very strong relationship.
Audio PlayerPunxsutawney Area Hosptial President Jack Sisk said that one of the ideas behind the agreement is that students who train in a rural environment will remain in a rural environment after their training is over.
Audio PlayerDriscoll is also hopeful that with this first signing, other hospitals would be willing to join in as well to provide training opportunities.