Two teams of students from ICTC are having their suicide prevention video PSA’s showcased online.
Fifteen videos from schools across the state will be part of the competition from Prevent Suicide PA. The contest, now in its 13th year, encourages students to create video psa’s or posters that draws attention to youth suicide prevention while promoting hope and recovery with a positive narrative. Winners in each category will be given a $100 reward and their efforts will be celebrated at a suicide prevention night at a major league ballpark. Should either of the ICTC teams win, they will be honored at a Pirates game.
The entrants from ICTC include Avery and MacKenna Jordan for their video “Find The Beauty In Little Things” and Gracie Anderson, Kenneth LaBryer and Ava Overdorff for “You’re Not Alone”.
You can find the videos and vote for them by clicking on the link below.