The Indiana Area school board Monday night unanimously passed a resolution denouncing cyber charter school funding and urging legislative reform on them.
The resolution states that Indiana Area taxpayers “bear a burden” of more than $1.7 million annually in cyber school tuition costs, resulting in the average homeowner paying $309 each year in taxes to fund “largely ineffective schools with huge fund balances.”
Audit and Finance Committee Chair Julia Trimarchi Cuccaro was pleased to see the resolution passed and that a recent report from the Auditor General’s office was “stunning.” She said there needs to be more transparency with the cyber charter schools.
One area that needs more clarity, according to Trimarchi Cuccaro, is the attendance policy for cyber charter schools.
In other business, the board approved the administration and solicitor to work with Valbridge Property Advisors to appraise the former KMart and Indiana Mall for tax purposes. The cost would not exceed $14,000 and it would be split with the county. Board President Walter Schroth said this is not a frivolous expense, but one that would hold the tax base for residents.