Indiana County Commissioners on Wednesday approved a bid for the roof replacement project at the proposed Welcome Center along Philadelphia Street in Indiana Borough.
Based on the recommendation from the Indiana County Office of Planning and Development and Thomas R. Harley Architects, Commissioners awarded the contract to ARK Contracting, LLC., based out of Mt. Union in the amount of $121,000 for the replacement of the existing roof membrane and installation of R-30 rigid insulation.
Byron Stauffer with the Office of Planning and Development said the roof is in need of total replacement, but the contract is efficient and cost-effective.
An initial bid from AT&H Contracting, LLC., was rejected as the proposed warranty was shorter than they wanted and they did not submit a longer list of completed projects.
In other business, Commissioners recognized Correctional Officer Codi Ward for her efforts in saving a choking inmate’s life by performing the Heimlich Maneuver on February 23rd. Commissioners also recognized the town of Blairsville’s 200th Anniversary of its incorporation into the county.
Left photo: CO Codi Ward accepts her proclamation alongside Commissioners Mike Keith, Bonni Dunlap and Sherene Hess; and Warren Loveridge.
Right photo: Representatives of Blairsville accept the recognition of the town’s 200th anniversary along with Keith, Dunlap and Hess.