As the unofficial “IUPatty’s” celebration is about to start, the Indiana Area Collaborative Team is reminding everyone of some measures everyone can do to stay safe.
Visitors are expected to turn up this weekend for the unsanctioned event, and some of them may take the opportunity to take advantage of some of the large crowds. I-ACT says that if you are invited to an event and are not sure of the host or organizer, think carefully before attending, and if it doesn’t feel right, don’t go. If you don’t feel safe while attending an event, they advise you to leave the area as soon as possible. It’s also suggested that family and trusted friends be informed of any events that you plan to attend.
Drivers are advised to be aware of pedestrians, including those who make walk quickly from in between parked vehicles outside of crosswalks. Pedestrians are being asked to use crosswalks, to not walk with headphones or earbuds in to prevent you from hearing traffic and to not walk and use your cell phone at the same time.