Earlier today, the Indiana County Commissioners approved extending two agreements concerning the Indiana County Development Corporation.
One agreement concerned administrative services reimbursement between the two entities that started in January of 2019. ICDC agreed to reimburse the county for services provided by the county. The extension is for one year and will result in a $51,500 reimbursement. The other is a three year extension of the executive management services agreement that started in the same year. The county will pay ICDC $120,234 for year one, $123,841 in year two, and $127,556 in year three. County solicitor Matt Budash said that this helped with promotion of economic development for the county.
The commissioners also approved an agreement between the Jimmy Stewart Airport and Delta Airport Consultants for construction administration services as part of the ongoing corporate hangar project, which will include building an aircraft parking apron and taxiway, a parking lot and limited hangar site work. The $735,000 cost is being covered by grant funds.