UPDATE: USPS officials tell Renda Media the post office will not close Tuesday, January 28th.
Original Story:
Residents in Coal Run could see their mail delivery adjusted this week after carbon monoxide was reported at the town’s post office.
Coal Run/McIntyre and Iselin/West Lebanon firefighters were summoned along with Citizens’ Ambulance to the post office at 2021 Coal Run Road around 1:10 Monday afternoon.
Coal Run Assistant Chief Dan Eckenrode said workers inside the office first experienced these symptoms on Friday.
Crews were unable to locate the source of the gas as post office employees vented the building before first responders arrived. Those affected by the gas were treated on-scene and medic units were canceled a short time later.
The post office is currently closed and that could bleed into tomorrow, pending final confirmation from the area post-master. If you have business to conduct, please call the post office first to verify if it’s open or not.