The Marion Center School Board will hold a work session tomorrow and among the items scheduled for consideration is a motion to upgrade the district’s computer network at a cost of more than $83,000. Also, the board will take up a motion to formally disapprove of the current state cyber charter school funding system and send a letter to Harrisburg urging for legislative action for reforms. The action comes in response to a new audit from the state Auditor General.
The board will also deal with a number of personnel items.
Indiana Area’s Buildings, Grounds, & Transportation Committee will get an update on the Eisenhower project, the Ben Franklin/East Pike freezer project and high school classroom project, and hear about an upgrade to the wrestling room, the Junior High roof warranty, and the ESCO project.
The River Valley School Board will hold a committee meeting on Wednesday. Homer-Center’s Buildings & Grounds Committee and the full board will meet on Thursday.