With Senator Don White having retired last week, his longtime Chief of Staff, Joe Pittman, has announced that he will seek the Republican nod for the 41st District seat in a special election this Spring.
Pittman says he is running “to continue a legacy of being a committed, problem-solving Senator who will place the needs of constituents first.” His platform includes helping job creators by eliminating needless government regulations, responsible growth and production of natural gas and coal resources, workforce development through education, rural broadband and natural gas service, and rehabilitating existing infrastructure.
Pittman directed Senator White’s first Senate campaign and has been his Chief of Staff for White’s entire nineteen-year tenure. Upon his retirement, Senator White said Pittman, who was 23 years old when he was appointed Chief of Staff, was “indispensable”, and he hoped Pittman would run.
Pittman is the only announced Republican candidate for the 41st District seat. Tony DiLoreto has announced for the Democratic nod.
The 41st District includes Indiana, Armstrong, and parts of Butler and Westmoreland counties. The respective Republican and Democratic party leadership in the district will choose their candidates for the special election, which has not formally been scheduled yet, but will most likely be held in conjunction with the Spring Primary. The winner of the seat will serve the remainder of White’s term, which expires in 2020.
Joe Pittman Announces Campaign for State Senate
INDIANA – Joe Pittman, Chief of Staff for state Senator Don White, launched his campaign for state Senate (PA-41), announcing his intention to participate in the upcoming Republican Party of Pennsylvania conferee process:
“One of the greatest honors of my life has been working for Senator Don White, and I congratulate him on a tremendous career in public service,” said Pittman. “He always put the needs of his constituents first. When residents came to his office with an issue, party affiliation never mattered. Serving the residents of the 41st District and attempting to solve issues of concern has been my greatest honor. I am proud of the effort we’ve made to improve the everyday lives of the hard-working men and women in the communities we represented.”
“I am running to continue a legacy of being a committed, problem-solving Senator who will place the needs of constituents first. I believe the resolution to our state’s financial issues should be cemented in the belief that we must get government out of the way of job creators by eliminating needless regulations, reducing the tax burden and keeping money where it belongs… in the hands of hardworking Pennsylvanians.”
“We must continue to work to create an environment that promotes the responsible growth and production of our state’s God -given natural gas and coal resources. If elected, I will also focus on improving workforce development efforts to ensure our children have skills necessary to meet the demands of the new energy and manufacturing economy, providing rural communities with reliable access to broadband and natural gas service, and rehabilitating our existing infrastructure. These are all keys to making sure opportunities exist for families in the region.”
Pittman believes his experience makes him the best candidate to serve the people of the 41st District. “Beyond my experience as Sen. White’s Chief of Staff, I have been active and engaged in our community in many ways, Pittman said. “As a husband and father, I am invested in making western Pennsylvania a great place to live, work, and raise a family.”
Raised in Hillsdale, Indiana County, Joe’s parents John and Mary Ann (Yevchak) instilled in him the western Pennsylvania values of God, family, and country, as well as the work ethic and sense
of personal responsibility common to the communities of Armstrong, Butler, Indiana, and Westmoreland Counties.
Joe’s desire for public service began at a young age. When Joe turned 18, he immediately registered to vote and was appointed to serve as a Republican committeeman for Montgomery Township. After graduating from Purchase Line High School in 1995, he was appointed at age 18 to serve as a member of the Purchase Line School Board. Elected to a full term in 1997, Joe continued his board service until his graduation from Penn State in December, 1998.
After working briefly in Bedford County, Joe returned home to coordinate the successful campaign of Senator Don White in 2000. Upon taking office, Senator White named Joe as his Chief of Staff, a position he has held throughout Senator White’s tenure.
Growing up and working in rural western Pennsylvania, Joe uniquely understands not just the challenges faced by the region, but also the opportunities available to make our communities safe places to live, work, play, and raise families.
Joe has dedicated his life to address the needs of western Pennsylvania not only through his work with Senator White, but also through his service to both family and community.
Joe’s wife, Gina (DiMaio), was raised in Rural Valley (Armstrong County). They have four children: Joe Jr., Sam, and twin girls Rosie and Frannie. The Pittman family are members of the St. Thomas More University Parish in Indiana.
Joe is a life member of the NRA, member of the Indiana County Republican Committee, Ford City Sportsmen’s Association, William Penn Association #88, and the Indiana-Franklin Lodge, #313. He currently serves as a board member of the Purchase Line Red Dragon Foundation whose mission is to provide scholarships to Purchase Line graduates. Joe is also a member of the United Way of Indiana County Board of Directors and recently chaired the successful 2018 annual campaign, helping to raise over $726,000 to benefit various community-based programs throughout Indiana County.
Joe and Gina are both sincerely committed to support their family and neighbors, and both believe strongly in their obligation to provide our youth with every opportunity to grow and become successful citizens right here in western Pennsylvania.