Indiana University of Pennsylvania has announced they will receive a $40,000 grant to help with reducing underage drinking and dangerous drinking habits on campus.
The grant from the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board will fund the program for this school year and next, and will fund programs that will focus on reducing underage and dangerous drinking and increase retention of minority students while welcoming all students to take part in grant project-related events. The $40,000 will be used to pay for speakers and presenters to promote an alcohol-free message and fund student peer mentors that will be trained in motivational interviewing, brief screening and intervention with the goal of developing alcohol-free Friday events. Funding will also be used to present at a national student affairs administration in higher education conference that’s intended to gather information on best practices from peer institutions.
Ann Sesti with the university’s office of Student Wellness and Engagement wrote the grant application, and said that the programs funded by the grant will provide culturally-relevant interventions that support and encourage an alcohol-free lifestyle and a reduction in alcohol abuse that can lead to poor academic performance and attrition rates.