On Monday Night, the Center Township Supervisors opened bids for fuel, pipe and catch basins, and asphalt, and accepted two bids, while tabling bids for fuel.
Supervisors Chairman Dave “Butch” Smyers explained why they wanted to table accepting the fuel bids for now.
Audio PlayerThe fuel bid will be accepted at their next meeting. The Township did accept bids from Catalone Pipe for pipe and catch basins and Lindy Paving for hot mix paving material.
The supervisors also encouraged people to take advantage of the 2021 Evergreen Landfill permits available through the township office. Fees at the landfill are approximately one-third of the normal cost of one load per year. In fact, Smyers talked about an instance where someone was able to take advantage of the service after the property owner was visited by an ordinance enforcement officer about their messy property.
Audio PlayerThe next Township Supervisors meeting is scheduled for June 7th.