The Indiana Area School Board will hold a special meeting tonight, but the meeting of the Buildings, Grounds, and Transportation Committee meets beforehand, and there are some interesting items on its agenda.
The committee will discuss work at the East Pike Elementary school, including the quote on the replacement of the roof, plus an HVAC study and renovation of the old office area at the building.
Also on the agenda is discussion of the elementary school reconfiguration for the district, a transportation update in pickup and drop-off times and a lack of bus drivers for athletic trips, as well as WiFi connectivity for busses and the donation of a greenhouse to the district.
The regular board meeting will feature several personnel matters and reports from the Buildings, Grounds, and Transportation Committee and the Audit & Finance Committee.
Marion Center’s school board meets tonight for a work session. In addition to the normal slate of reports on each building’s activities and a number of personnel items, the board will hear from its Buildings & Grounds and Transportation Committee, and Business Manager Rick Martini will update the board on an air quality study and the ESSERS budget.
The River Valley School District has scheduled a special voting meeting for Tuesday night. The board will first hold a committee meeting at the Saltsburg STEAM Academy building, the former Saltsburg Middle-School, and then will transition into the special voting meeting, with the STEAM Academy being the specific topic. The district has not published an agenda for either meeting.