Return to Indiana in the Morning April 2021 Indiana in the Morning Interview: Kay Smith and Mark Phoebus (4-30-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Chuck Clark (4-30-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Lisa Spencer (4-30-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Bob Pollock (4-30-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Jody Rainey (4-29-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Sid Reger and Stanley Chepaitis (4-29-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Jim Struzzi (4-29-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Curtis Whitesel and Gregg Kalemba (4-28-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Summer Johnson McGee (4-28-21) More Indiana in the Morning Interview: Alexa Ackerman and Justin Peterson (4-28-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Daniel Roan and Josh Krug (4-27-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Tom Clavin (4-27-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Shawn Steffee and Rachel Gleason (4-26-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Dr. William Mueller (4-26-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Matt Jioio (4-26-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Bob Pollock (4-23-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Lisa Spencer (4-23-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Joel Sansone (4-23-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Philip Martell (4-23-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Kathy Lambert and Sherry Beatty (4-22-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Laura Herrington (4-22-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Kelly Fox (4-21-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Knights of Columbus (4-21-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Kirk Atwood (4-21-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Jordan Haines (4-21-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Bob Manzi and Diann Overman (4-20-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Indiana County Commissioners (4-20-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Kristen Koehler (4-20-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Aaron Lehman (4-20-21) More Indiana in the Morning Interview: Marshall Chriswell (4-19-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Justin Schawl (4-19-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Sherene Hess, Lynn Schiefer, and Cami Anderson (4-19-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Jordan Haines (4-19-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Bob Pollock (4-16-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Dave Ferguson (4-16-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Lisa Spencer (4-16-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Michael Vuckovich (4-16-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Dave Shaffer, George Karlheim, and Todd Larimer (4-15-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Indiana Senior High School (4-15-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Dave Parker (4-14-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Penns Manor Musical Club (4-14-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Clinton Smith and Karen Sistek (4-14-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Dr. Michael Minnick (4-13-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Milt Lady (4-13-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Dr. Ralph May (4-12-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Wayne Obitz (4-12-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Mike Peter (4-12-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Bryan Gillenwater (4-9-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Bob Pollock (4-9-21) More Indiana in the Morning Interview: Lisa Spencer (4-9-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Nancy Sherry-Helsel and Dan Roan (4-8-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Amanda Augustine (4-8-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Janie McKirgan (4-8-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Indiana Junior High Theater (4-7-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Lisa Spencer (4-7-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Bob Manzi (4-7-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Trooper Clifford Greenfield (4-6-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Police Chief Justin Schawl and Mayor Joe Trimarchi (4-6-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Dr. Richard Neff (4-5-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Eric Neal (4-5-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Dave Fairman (4-5-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Marshall Chriswell (4-5-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Indiana Youth Hockey Association (4-2-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Dr. Brandon Trale (4-2-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Bob Pollock (4-2-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Linda Mitchell (4-2-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Philip Martell (4-1-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Liam Kerr (4-1-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Jim Struzzi (4-1-21) More