Return to Indiana in the Morning June 2021 Indiana in the Morning Interview: Indiana Junior High Cheerleaders (6-30-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Senator Joe Pittman (6-30-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Nathaneal Arthurs and Mike Giulian (6-30-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Clint Weimer (6-29-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Zack Hunter (6-29-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Nathaneal Arthurs and Brian Safaran (6-29-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Jeff Shesol (6-28-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Jon Mozes (6-28-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Aaron Lehman (6-25-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Dr. Matthew Klain (6-25-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Bob Pollock (6-25-21) More Indiana in the Morning Interview: Lisa Spencer (6-25-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Beth Finegan (6-24-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Erich Walls, Luke McKelvy and Denise Jennings-Doyle (6-24-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Laura Herrington (6-24-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Jody Rainey (6-23-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Mark Hilliard (6-23-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Nathanel Arthurs and Chef Pitts (6-23-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Deanna Szentmiklosi (6-23-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Dr. Leonard Maliver (6-22-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Michael Vuckovich (6-22-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Kristie Clark and Doug Lockard (6-22-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Candace Horsman (6-22-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Michelle Jordan (6-21-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Jon Mozes (6-21-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Jackie Overdorff and Sherry Renosky (6-21-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Bob Pollock (6-18-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Lisa Spencer (6-18-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: L. Jon Wertheim (6-18-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Michael Vuckovich (6-17-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Carolyn Princes and Sherene Hess (6-17-21) More Indiana in the Morning Interview: Matt Rodkey (6-16-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Diann Overman and Shaun Shenck (6-16-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Kirk Atwood (6-16-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Brad Katz and Patrick Mulvihill (6-16-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Mike McDermott (6-16-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Angel Piccirillo (6-15-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Michelle Jordan (6-15-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Indiana County Commissioners (6-15-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: David Cathey (6-15-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Steve Kline (6-14-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Bob King (6-14-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Jon Mozes (6-14-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Tammy Curry (6-14-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Aimee Kemp and Elaine Welker (6-11-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Lisa Spencer (6-11-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Bob Pollock (6-11-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Michael Vuckovich (6-10-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Mark Hilliard (6-10-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Nick Powers (6-10-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Jeff Wacker, Brian Jones, and Sandy Trimble (6-9-21) More Indiana in the Morning Interview: Lifesteps (6-9-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Katie Geiger, Lauri Fletcher and Val Shuppe (6-9-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Milt Lady (6-8-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Shawn Ford (6-8-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Jon Mozes (6-7-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Eric Neal (6-7-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Marshall Chriswell (6-7-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Nathanael Arthurs and Jack McMahon (6-7-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Linda Mitchell (6-4-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Lisa Spencer (6-4-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Bob Pollock (6-4-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Nathanael Arthurs (6-3-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Jim Struzzi (6-3-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Philip Martell (6-3-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Hilary Hauck (6-2-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Lisa Spencer (6-2-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Bob Manzi (6-2-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Gaylon White (6-1-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Jon Mozes (6-1-21)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Justin Schawl (6-1-21) More