Return to Indiana in the Morning September 2018 Indiana in the Morning Inteview: Bob Pollock (9-28-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Don White (9-28-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Dave Reed (9-28-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: David Ziel and Byron Stauffer (9-28-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Jessica Clark and Katie Haberl-Thomas (9-27-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Amanda Augustine and Natalie Glaser (9-27-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Karen Salser (9-27-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Homer-Center School Students (9-26-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Jim Klyap (9-26-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Jim Dougherty (9-26-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Domestic Violence Awareness Month (9-26-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Dr. Nazneen Billimoria (9-25-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Bill Geiger and Marie Olson (9-25-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Sherry Renosky (9-21-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Bob Pollock (9-21-18) More Indiana in the Morning Interview: Indiana High School Students (9-20-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Mike Miller and Amanda Strittmatter (9-19-18)Indiana in the Morning Interviews: Bruce Jenkins (9-19-18)Indiana in the Morning Interviews: Kelly Fox and D.J. Mumau (9-19-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Kristen Koehler (9-18-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Homer-Center School Counselors (9-18-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Crystal Deemer and Janet May (9-18-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Indiana County Commissioners (9-18-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Jody Rainey (9-17-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Patricia Heilman (9-17-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Joe Pittman (9-14-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Heather Reed and Bob Manzi (9-14-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Mark O'Brien (9-14-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Bob Pollock (9-14-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Dr. Anil Mankee (9-13-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Denny Della Penna (9-13-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Patti Simmons and Brad Peterson (9-13-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Dr. Carolyn Princes and Michael Hood (9-12-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Indiana Players (9-12-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Penns Manor Students (9-12-18) More Indiana in the Morning Interview: Stu Albaugh (9-12-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Milt Lady (9-11-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Lynette Yarnick (9-11-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Jennifer Clark and Sarah Hillegas (9-11-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Alisa DiStefano (9-10-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Jim Klyap (9-10-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Marshall Chriswell (9-10-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Bob Pollock (9-7-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Tedd Cogar (9-7-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Dave Mercik (9-7-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Linda Mitchell (9-10-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Bill Double and Jim Rickard (9-6-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Dave Reed (9-6-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Janine Stewart and Morris Fox (9-6-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Andrew Thompson and Kristen Kaltreider (9-5-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Steve Roach (9-5-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Nancy Helsel and Paula Lieb (9-5-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Lisa Spencer (9-5-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Nancy Helsel and Mike Miller (9-4-18)Indiana in the Morning Interview: Linda Mitchell and Jonathan Bogert (9-4-18) More